The right tenant...

Tenancy Agreement & Documentation
This is a legally binding agreement, setting out the terms of the letting including the rights and obligations of both you as the landlord and the tenant who will be living in your property.
Most residential property is let by way of an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) for an initial term usually 6 months with the rent payable monthly in advance. The tenant will be issued with certain electrical certificate documents as part of the agreement including the EPC, valid Gas Safety Certificate, together with the appropriate (TDP) advisory leaflet.
Inventory & Condition Schedule
You must be aware that ‘fair wear and tear are excepted’ it is always advisable to budget for higher than average, maintenance costs and redecorations. The schedule will be undertaken at the commencement of the letting and will also detail service meter readings where available. Smoke alarms will also be tested at this time and any deficiencies reported to you, together with any requirement for, or updating of the Legionella Risk Assessment.
Ideally, you should provide us with sufficient full sets (for the tenant – one full set for every tenant over the age of 18 years).
We recommend you retain at least on set where you are managing the letting and property. If the property is under our full managed service, please provide us with sufficient sets of keys, these will be coded for security purposes within our own key system. We can arrange for duplicate keys to be cut for which there will be a charge.
Utility Services & Council Tax
Meter readings will be taken (where possible) and the service providers will be informed of the meter readings and given the new details of the incoming tenant.